Lost Sheep Coffee Nespress Compatible Pods
Looking for an alternative to Nespress coffee pods to use in your Nespresso machine? A relative new player on the block: Lost Sheep Coffee, provides a range of Nespresso compatible coffee pods.
Nespresso is a brand that is well known in the coffee industry and is synonymous with innovation, style and taste. Its reputation has been enhanced by its willingness to invest in the development of new and innovative machines that have helped it gain a leading position in its market place. However, other coffee providers have not remained static and the ever-growing popularity of the coffee pod has paved ther way for other players to enter the market.
Lost Sheep Coffee has made a mark for itself in the coffee business in the UK and gained a solid reputation amongst consumers so it was natural that they should move to the market demand and provide a range of Nespresso compatible coffee pods.
These kind of pods are also ideal for people who prefer a cappuccino or espresso without any fuss or bother. Pop the pod into the ‘Nespresso machine’ and voila! Barista style coffee at your fingertips in your very own kitchen.
They are ideal for people who are not fond of ordinary black coffee. With a nespresso compatible coffee pod in your machine you get a rich crema and the strong flavour of a real coffee shot with very little waste of water or electricity.
Lost Sheep Coffee produce a range of pods to suit different palates. From their Morning Campers coffee pods, to their Smooth Journey coffee pods you’ll find a delicious caffeine kick. Or maybe you prefer to keep the caffeine to a minimum? No worries. Lost Sheep decaf coffee pods are simply, divine.
So, for Nespresso compatible coffee pods, get in touch with Lost Sheep Coffee today.
Lost Sheep Coffee pods: Fully traceable, fairly traded, hand roasted speciality coffee. All wrapped up in our industry leading environmentally friendly packaging.